
大膽創新可說是G1獨家特色,松下一反往常地在此一系統上謝絕了德國Leica鏡頭、改行搭配自己生產的標準變焦距鏡頭LUMIXGVario14-45mmF3.5-5.6ASPH, ...,TheLeicaT(Typ701)andthePanasonicLumixDMC-G1aretwodigitalcamerasthatwereofficiallyintroduced,respectively,inApril2014andSeptember2008.,ThecamerasarebasedonanAPS-C(XTyp113)andaFourThirds(G1)sensor.TheLeicahasaresolutionof16.1megapixels,whereasthePanasonicp...


大膽創新可說是G1 獨家特色,松下一反往常地在此一系統上謝絕了德國Leica 鏡頭、改行搭配自己生產的標準變焦距鏡頭LUMIX G Vario 14-45mm F3.5-5.6 ASPH, ...

Leica T vs Panasonic G1 Comparison Review

The Leica T (Typ 701) and the Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 are two digital cameras that were officially introduced, respectively, in April 2014 and September 2008.

Leica X Typ 113 vs Panasonic G1 Comparison Review

The cameras are based on an APS-C (X Typ 113) and a Four Thirds (G1) sensor. The Leica has a resolution of 16.1 megapixels, whereas the Panasonic provides 12 MP ...

Panasonic G1 vs Leica D-Lux 7 Comparison

Read our detailed comparison of the Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 vs Leica D-Lux 7 to find out their strengths and weaknesses, and decide which one to choose.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 vs Leica M11

Whatever type of photography shall you prefer, Leica M11 is superior to Panasonic Lumix DMC-G1 in all conditions. Need further details? Below you will find a ...

Panasonic Lumix DMC

評分 3.7 (111) · 供應中 1210 萬像素4/3 型MOS 感應器;全球首款Micro Four Thirds 相機; 包括Lumix G Vario 14 - 45 公釐F3.5 - F5.6 ASPH.Mega OIS 鏡頭; 即時檢視搜尋器和明亮的460,000 點 ...

Panasonic G1單眼數位相機

G1裝上DMW-MA1鏡頭轉接環(選購),可使用多種高效能的4/3鏡頭和Leica D系列鏡頭,也依然保持強大的拍攝功能*。 此望遠變焦鏡頭涵括了90到400mm的焦距(相當於35 mm相機) ...

Panasonic Lumix DMC

評分 4.0 (10) 影像規格IMAGE SPECIFICATIONS. 感光元件像素, 1306 萬像素. 有效像素, 1211 萬像素. 感光元件大小, 17.3 x 13.0mm. 感光元件種類, CMOS. 感光元件生產商, Panasonic.

數位小兔Kiwifotos 徠卡Leica M mount 鏡頭轉Micro M43 機身轉接環 ...

徠卡Leica M mount 鏡頭轉M4/3 機身轉接環,讓您的隨身機如OLYMPUS EP1 EP2 EPL1 或PANASONIC G1 GH1 GF1可以共用Leica鏡頭體驗跨系統的魅力 全鋁合金,黑化處理,經久 ...


Lumix(徠美)是Panasonic(松下電器)的數位相機系列品牌,於2001年推出。此系列的數位相機特別之處為業內較早引入等效28mm廣角鏡頭(部分機種),使用獨有的MEGA O.I.S.鏡頭 ...